A simple beginning…

With this being the first of my soon to be numerous posts, I thought it might be prudent to create a solid foundation on which to build from. So, I decided to begin by discussing the three basic necessities that all people need in order to survive, i.e. food, clothing, and shelter. These three subjects will be the focus of this blog in one form or another. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s begin our journey starting with my favorite…

…Food. Arguably the most important of the three because without it, we die. Simple as that. Yes, it is possible to survive without the other two indefinitely if the conditions are right, but without something to eat, the freedom of that Garden of Eden lifestyle unfortunately won’t last long. But, what to eat? I mean, what foods should we eat in order to get the most out of life? This can be a tough question as there are many schools of thought on what it is that humans are supposed to eat. I personally subscribe to the omnivore theory. However, I tend to take it a step further in that I think most people need to eat according to their evolutionary makeup. Meaning that a person descended from those who colonized northern Europe thousands of years ago will not thrive on the diet of those that colonized equatorial Africa and vice versa. I come from northern/central European stock, so the foods I will write about periodically will reflect that.

No matter your genetic background, the food you choose to eat should always be of the highest quality. Far too often I will see people spend ridiculous amounts of money on the latest fashion trends, only to turn into Scrooge when purchasing food. What a person puts into their body should be far superior to anything they choose to put on it. For my part, other than my mortgage, the largest expense in my household is the grocery bill. The reason it is so high is because close to 99% of all the food I purchase is certified organic. Of course this type of behavior could not go unpunished, so a self-righteous quack MD decided to classify it as an eating disorder in 1996. He termed it Orthorexia Nervosa. While not officially recognized as such, there are still plenty of sources that use his diagnosis to passively try and shame those of us who actually care about our health by being knowledgeable about what we eat.

That’s enough for now. My next installment will be focused more on the the soil from which our food comes from.

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